For (sun) stressed and irritated skin
Basically, the Martina Gebhardt philosophy is "as inside so outside", as "as above so below". Martina Gebhardt uses many medicinal plants that are used both internally and externally. The skin inside as well as outside has the same structure and is equipped with a valuable bacterial flora, which positively influences the metabolism. The Summer Time series is about utilizing the healthy influences of the sun, but mitigating the damage to the skin when it is used excessively.
Quickly absorbed and soothing face cream for (sun) stressed and irritated skin. With SPF 6
Ingredients: Water, olive oil°, sesame oil°, lanolin, beeswax°, kukui nut oil*, walnut oil°, shea butter*, sea buckthorn pulp oil°, cocoa butter°, rose flower hydrolate°, carrot macerate°, Jerusalem artichoke plant extract°; walnut leaf extract°, elderberry plant extract°, licorice root extract°, mineral clay red, gold, silver, genuine essential oils* (lemongrass°).
°Demeter, *controlled organic cultivation, **component of genuine essential oils